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SRM Software - Promena

Market Cost | Opportunity Analysis | Product Development | Acquisition Cost Reduction | Market Analysis

Our SRM technological tool offers a methodology that allows supporting and accompanying companies throughout the value chain, whether in their daily processes that require improvement, as in new projects or development of existing suppliers for sustained growth.

e-Evaluate Suppliers, Improved control over your suppliers and the market cost, Better Evaluation and pre-qualification, Expedite the Development of Suppliers electronically

Promena Numbers

7.5% average savings

Categories with up to 15% cost reduction.

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+4900 eRFQ & annual e-auctions

eRFQ, Forward or Descending e-Auction in its six types

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+25,000 Registered Suppliers!

Europa, Asia, America & Africa

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The experienced team of Promena Americas & Kummerk - Consult and Audits provides comprehensive support and strategic guidance allowing our clients to efficiently adopt the electronic methodology of Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), setting priorities, achieving significant savings and continuously improving their evaluation, analysis, selection and provider development.

Promena SRM and Supplier Development is the service we provide in the search for Continuous Improvement, through a professional, specialized and detailed evaluation of management strategies in order to find opportunities for Cost Reduction and Increased Cash Flow.

A Market Cost opportunity assessment provides:

  • An objective view of product opportunities, issues, risks, and rewards
  • Market analysis and commercial viability of your product opportunity
  • Priority market and product requirements
  • Preferred strategy options to go to market
  • High-level financial forecasting and ROI analysis

Kummerk Group

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Operatons Consultancy and Audits Services